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Chinese translation for "yellow men"

[race] 黄种人。

Related Translations:
yellow:  adj.1.黄(色)的。2.皮肤黄的;蒙古[黄色]人种的。3.忧郁的;妒嫉的,猜忌的。4.(新闻等)耸人听闻的。短语和例子the sere, the yellow leaf (枝叶枯黄的)老年。n.1.黄色。2.黄色物;蛋黄。3.黄色颜料。4.黄色的鸟[蝶,蛾]。5.黄色报刊。6.〔the yellows〕【医学】黄疸;【植物;植物学】黄化病;〔古语〕嫉妒。7.〔俚语〕胆小
yellow livered:  adj.〔美国〕胆小的。
yellow journalism:  黄色报刊作风〔指不择手段吸引读者〕。
yellow dog:  野狗;〔美国〕卑劣的人。
straw yellow:  淡黄色。
yellow hammer:  【鸟类】峋鸭;〔美国〕金翼啄木鸟;〔美国〕俄亥俄人的别名。
yellow oak:  【植物;植物学】栎树。
yellow paint:  黄铅油;黄色油漆。
yellow card:  【足球】黄牌〔裁判亮出的表示警告犯规球员的黄色牌子〕。
cadmium yellow:  镉黄(颜料)。
Example Sentences:
1.Who is that man ? yellow man ? russian
2.Who is that man ? yellow man ? russian
3.I wished to prove to him that a yellow man could save his armies
4.Father conmee thought of the souls of black and brown and yellow men and of his sermon of saint peter claver s . j . and the african mission and of the propagation of the faith and of the millions of black and brown and yellow souls that had not received the baptism of water when their last hour came like a thief in the night
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